weighted mean square

英 [ˈweɪtɪd miːn skweə(r)] 美 [ˈweɪtɪd miːn skwer]




  1. Is puts forward the concept of half entrust weight vector, discusses the average properties of the higher weighted mean square moment and discusses some properties of higher weighed average by using the properties of half entrust weight vector.
  2. The ratings were calculated, using an expression that is a function of weighted RMS ( root mean square) values of the system erros and the pilot's lead time constant.
  3. The method utilizes correlation between the subbands and within the subbands fully, the classified information need a little bites to express, and vector quantization adopt weighted mean square error rule that using mankind visual characteristic to improve quantization gain.
  4. On a weighted mean square of the error term related to the Dedekind totient function
  5. The new algorithm is composed of wavelet Weighted mean square error ( WWMSE) and image quality scale ( IQS) choosing face images as research object.
  6. After eccentricity correction and transformation them into the same system, we can get weighted mean square error of differences between any two kinds of geocentric coordinates, which can reflect the real accuracy.
  7. Then, the optimal weighted vector and the MMSE minimum mean square error were obtained using the MMSE principle.
  8. Subsequently, an interpretability measure is described by the product of the number of input variables and the number of rules, while precision is weighted by root mean square error, and the selection objective function concerning interpretability and precision is defined.
  9. To reflect the level of road roughness more exactly, the dissertation takes the total weighted root mean square acceleration of human body as evaluation index.
  10. Based on the prediction theory, two types of CQI delay compensation schemes, namely weighted mean scheme ( WMS) and prediction scheme based on normalized least mean square ( NLMS-PS), are proposed.
  11. The information fusion method of auto adapted weighted is studied. The weight values of each sensor on base are calculated under the premise of the minimum mean square error. Then, the confertus signals are got according to weight values.